Boat Lifts, Docks, Repairs Parts and Accessories!

Roll In Dock

This section offers aluminum Roll In Dock Kits that can be used in water depths up to about 5ft deep.  You will also require a semi-solid lake bottom in order for the system to be stable.  Platforms and fingers can be added but may or may not be able to be rolling.

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Roll In Dock

<p>This section offers aluminum <strong>Roll In Dock Kits</strong> that can be used in water depths up to about <strong>5ft</strong>&nbsp;deep.&nbsp; You will also require a semi-solid lake bottom in order for the system to be stable.&nbsp; Platforms and fingers can be added but may or may not be able to be rolling.</p>

595 11th Street Plainwell, MI 49080

Phone: 866-942-6349

Fax: 866-942-6349

